Our group spent last week mainly brainstorming ideas for our project. We started with the idea of a storage locker that would be able to deodorize its contents, which would be useful for both outdoor gear and other products, such as clothing, pet care products, etc... After some research and discussion, however, we decided to switch and focus instead on a product that would help keep houses warm during winter. This product would essentially be an improvement upon current heating solutions, specifically plastic sheeting used typically to cover windows in older houses, preventing cold air from coming and warm air from leaking out. We realized that there haven't really been any advances made in this type of home heating for some time, so we feel that this idea is worth exploring. So far we've been working pretty well together, aside from some minor disputes about what our focus should be and which of the ideas we've brainstormed are worth dedicating a significant amount of time and effort to develop. On Monday, we briefly discussed who would be focusing on which aspects of the project. I'm more interested in visual design, so I have been and will be contributing more to the packaging and overall appearance of the product and exhibition booth. I've been doing some work on making a new logo (see sketches below), but I think maybe I could be contributing more to the development of the product itself. I've also set up a dropbox location for us to use, which ought to facilitate collaboration quite a bit. At this point, I think we just need to divide the workload and focus on our respective contributions and, later in the week, put everything together for next week. Overall, I'm feeling good about this project and I think we can produce something really great.